job stress

3 Signs That Work Stress Is Taking Control Of You

Work-related stress is the most growing problem around the world. It is not just affecting our health and well-being, but harming the productivity of the organization. This stress takes a peak when the expectations exceed the capabilities of the individuals. Such individuals face difficulty in coping with the challenging situation. Surveys have proven that this is the second most commonly compensated illness in the world.

Stress can occur when a person feels under pressure as job demands increase and they struggle to manage it. There might be a conflict between co-workers or bosses, a constant change, and threats to job security that can affect the productivity of the worker. In this blog, we will discover some of the signs that can help us identify if we are stressed at work. Let’s discover these signs and try to overcome them before our productivity is affected.

Signs you are stressed

Effect on feelings and emotions

Stress might make you feel:

  • Angry, irritable, and impatient.
  • Overburdened and overwhelmed.
  • Anxious, nervous, and afraid.
  • Feel like things are going fast and you cannot cope with them.
  • Unable to enjoy your life.
  • Depressed.
  • Least interested in life.
  • No feelings for others and loss of sense of humor.
  •  Sense of dread.
  • Always in worry and tension.
  • Feeling neglected and lonely.
  • The mental health conditions worsen.

There are some individuals whose conditions get severe. They enter such a phase of stress that they feel like to attempt suicide. This is something alarming. Watch out for these changes in yourself and address them. If you have learned time management skills, you can address it as a powerful tool. Don’t forget to add this skill to your resumes written by services like New Jersey Resume or resume writers in the USA. 

Physical signs of work stress

Our body releases certain hormones when we are dealing with stressful conditions. These releases of hormones have a physical effect on our bodies. These symptoms include:  

  • A difficulty in breathing.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Sore eyes or blurred vision.
  • Difficulty in sleeping.
  • Fatigue.
  • Muscle pains and headache.
  • Chest pains and high blood pressure.
  • Heartburn and indigestion.
  • Diarrhea and constipation.
  • Feeling sick, dizzy, and fainting.
  • A sudden rise or drop in weight.
  • An itchy skin or rashes development.
  • Sweating.
  • A change in your menstrual cycle or periods.
  • The recent physical issues start getting serious and worsen.

The high level of stress and the effect on physical health are linear.  These symptoms are reflected if we experience the stress for a longer period. If the physical health conditions last for a longer period without being treated, these problems might complex and result in:

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy

The symptoms and the condition are similar to a heart attack. With this disease, the heart’s main pumping chamber changes shape and becomes larger. The heart muscle starts becoming weak and its pumping action results in losing strength. Doctors commonly refer to this symptom as broken heart syndrome.

This condition is rare and happens when people are not able to cope with the overwhelming physical and emotional stress. One of the major reasons is its connection with grief. The condition lasts for days or weeks. Using proper medication, the person can recover completely.

Secondary amenorrhoea

A condition in which you don’t get your periods for three months or more. These can be caused by imbalanced hormones, some chronic illnesses, or a high level of stress. 

Behavioral signs of work stress

The stress can bring changes in your behavior. You might:

  • Find difficulty in making decisions.
  • Unable to concentrate.
  • Complete loss of memory or a memory decline is monitored.
  •  Worry about everything or feel dread.
  • Snap at people.
  • Start biting your nails.
  • Pick at or itch your skin.
  • Grind your teeth or keep clenching your jaws.
  • Change in eating habits. Either you will eat more or less.
  • Start smoking and drinking to reduce stress.
  • Stay restless.
  • Feel like crying.
  •   Shop or spend useless too much.
  • Skip workouts.
  • Try to stay alone every time.
  • Frequently take off from work.
  • Arrive at work late and try leaving early.

All these symptoms should be closely monitored. An alternative solution should be chosen to handle all these behavioral signs of work stress. If you learn some techniques to handle work stress, you can ask for services like cheap cover letter writers or cover letter writers near me to add your unique skills to your CV.

Treatment of work stress

Jot down your stressors

Identify and make a list of stressful situations. You will come to know about the situations that bother you. Some of them might be an uncomfortable working environment, the chatter at the back, or the rivals with your working team.

You can keep a diary with you. Record all the stress triggers and reactions. You can even record the details of those tensions.

Sit back and recharge

Take a few minutes from your busy schedule. Utilize this time to recover from the burnout caused by the work stress. You can listen to your favorite music or watch a video. This can give you a relaxing pause throughout the day. The more relaxed you will be the more productivity you can show.

Planning a vacation

Vacations will help you disconnect and switch off from the responsibilities of the job. You can participate in activities that can help you relax and unwind your inner spirit. You don’t need to plan a trip outside the country. A short tour within the country for a few days can help you reset.

Talk to your upper hierarchy

Getting support from your boss can alleviate feelings of burnout. Set a meeting with your manager and discuss the feelings approached by challenging tasks. Use the strategy to solve problems rather than just sharing the list of complaints.


What are some of the common symptoms of work-related stress?

If you are stressed out at your work, you might feel:

  • Fatigue.
  • Headache and body pains.
  • Difficulty in sleeping.
  • Skin-related issues.
  • Gastrointestinal issues.

How can we tackle work stress-related issues?

The process to tackle these issues is simple. You can maintain a diary and list down all your stressors. Engage yourself in healthy activities by establishing a boundary between work and personal time. You can plan some activities staying within your budget to release your stress and enjoy your day. Following these tips will boost your productivity.

How can connections help in dealing with stress?

Support from your colleagues, friends, and family can help in releasing your troubles. You see things from different perspectives. These activities can make us relax and relieve our stress.

What is the initial indication that we are stressed out?

The first symptom that you will observe reflecting that you are stressed out is the behavior change. You will begin losing patience and will start forgetting things.

The bottom line

Recognizing the signs of work-related stress is important for maintaining mental and physical health. An increase in irritability, constant fatigue, and difficulty concentrating are the early signs of stress.

Respond to these signs in the initial phase and you can take steps to manage stress. Medicate or learn time management skills to manage your stress level. You can also ask for help from your colleagues and professionals to handle this situation.  

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